Thursday, September 2, 2010

Settling In

Yesterday we made a massive trip to Ikea which resulted in two full cars. I wish I had taken pictures. We assembled our Karlstad sofa last night without incident, so we are now making full use of the tv. The four bookcases will have to wait a day or two because next up is Nora's little wardrobe/dresser combo, which I bowed to pressure and agreed to 1 PINK drawer. It is a big one though. I'll post pictures if we get it together.

Jason is on campus again today. He went in on Tuesday and got his ID card and unpacked boxes there. Today he's dealing with insurance crap and attending the grand opening of the new cafeteria. I know he's anxious since classes still haven't started and won't until the 8th, which is I guess, a week away. We've lost track of time.

Nora is missing little people to play with. It has been ungodly hot so we've been avoiding the playground, and we've been sluggish with no A/C. I hope that this will be the last day this year in the 90's. With Earl heading our direction, we are expecting lots of rain and I think it should cool down a bit too. Today though, we are going to the Chicopee Public Library to get library cards! Then, probably more furniture assembly.

I'll post pictures once we get the house cleaned up a bit. Still plenty of boxes to unload!


Anonymous said...

The library is, of course, a cool (in both senses) place.

Also, generally more likely to find little people there (children, not... you know, Little People).

Stay refrigerated!
