Friday, June 20, 2008

Still More Jane

While I was in the process of placing my reserves at the library on more Darcy Diaries, I wandered through the stacks and found an unusual book in the realm of Jane Austen spin offs. I love the premise of Lost In Austen: Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure . Based on those choose your own adventure books that we grew up with and the addition of a game element thrown in, you are Elizabeth Bennet and you are commanded to marry well. Potential husbands include Darcy, but also other Austen men; heros and cads. There are arch comments sprinkled throughout your attempts to navigate the social mores of the regency period. Be prepared for quizzes so you can gain points in intelligence, fortune, connections and accomplishments. Watch out or you may make the wrong choice and end up married to Mr. Collins! While the concept is fun, this isn't really a book that you need to own, but it's well worth checking out from your library.