Thursday, March 15, 2007


She's standing now (well she has been for awhile) but I really love this photo of her taken this past weekend. I think any day now she'll take off and walk on her own.


TP said...

I had no idea that Nora's grandparents were book-stars.

She's adorable and soon to be tramping about on walking vacations over hill and dale with ordnance survey maps and a stout walking stick. Perhaps, Karlvis will join her.

That, or she'll be running around hiding your car keys in things like air ducts or potting soil. Just at a guess.

Tree said...

What a cutie!! Karl looks a bit forlorn, though...

magpie said...

I fear for our keys and cell phones. She's in the middle of the drop in/take out stage and our ducts have such enticingly open gridwork. I'm sure it would make such a satisfying noise to drop things down them.

Karl is suffering. Now that she's got the cart mobile (see above post) his body is a moving target and he can never get out of the way fast enough. And then there's his ears- so handy for pulling up on.