Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cats I Have Known

The lack of cats in my immediate environment (and Carol's excellent kitty pictures) has led me to muse on the cats of days past. Here's a roll call:

Dyer Cats and Dyer-Murphy Cats
Mungo (saved me from having to have this name)
Stubby (a stripey cat, don't remember if a he or a she - but it did have a stub tail)
Stripe Hunnybun Dyer (stripey grey cat, he died in a joint snowstorm/dog attack)
Jake and Orvill (named after riverboat captains, there is a longer story about them, that I won't go into here)
Ceasar and Lady Paws (both were six toed cats, they were actually sequential, they didn't live with us at the same time, and there might have been another six toed cat in here too, but I can't really remember)
Boots and Biscuit (came to live with Jason and I in Arkansas)
Archie (remembered more fondly in death than in life)

Todd and Natascha's Cats
Mrs. Hudson

Carol's Cats
Edie (granted, we haven't met in person...) and her three as yet un-named offspring

Bob, Sarah, and Zelda's Cats
Meowy Cowgirl
Tiny Buckeroo (we too, have not yet met in the flesh)

Tree's Cat
Pepe Uriburu

Various Other Cats of My Acquaintance
Lucius -my grandmother's cat
Gauss - succeeded Lucius
Bogey -my aunt's cat
Scut Farkus - Ellen's cat (but formerly Laura's boyfriend's)
Rosie - Laura's cat
Picklepottomus - Ed and Elena's cat
Josie, Josie II & Bandit -Bill and JoAnn's cats
O-Boy - cat that stalked my parents neighborhood and fought with Archie
HB and the barn cats- Grant and Tim's house cat and the ever-multiplying mob in the barn
Gato - Pat's cat
Tasha - my parents' neighbor's cat
Lavender - Kat's cat
That grey farm cat that stalks Ted and Linda's windows - does she have a name? How do I not know it?

I'm sure there are many more that I've forgotten. Feel free to submit names. I feel like I should have sort of a big family tree like they have in the front of historical romance novels that explains who's who and who lived when, or at least pictures.


Murfmensch said...

Sam and Jessica and Eli have Adonis, a white version of Archy.

When all of us lived together (with Jim G as well), a black cat named Fudge used to come in the house like he owned it. He had an incongrous little bell on his collar. Later, when Boots and Biscuit joined us, Fudge proved a hellacious fighter.

galaxiecarol said...

Maggie, you have a great memory. I cannot remember ANY of the cats I've known other than my own, Archie, and my cousin Marie's cat, Spaz.

TP said...

And then there are the tremendous number of alleycats that get named around our place... some with homes and some without.

Mr. Earbrass

and of course the wandering Chairman Meow.

magpie said...

How could I have forgotten about Papa Cat! After him sharing his pigeon! Have I met Chairman Meow?

TP said...

Probably not. The Chairman lives down the street, but has to roam from time to time. He's very curious about the inside of our house.

Murfmensch said...

PapaCat was known to a nearby family as "Tuxedo." He once brought a live pigeon to a bar-b-q.

My cousin Edwin had two cats named "Willie" and "Waylon".