Friday, April 18, 2008


So the earth shook a little early this morning.  Jason and I woke up and said "what was that?" Maybe a sonic boom we thought?  Nope, the Post Dispatch confirmed this morning that we had a 5.2 magnitude.   Interestingly, this wasn't the New Madrid, but the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone.  You can read all about it here.  

So anyone else get woken up?  


Anonymous said...

Yep. The cats lost there... well... they were more than a little upset. And we sat up in bed. There were follow up shocks later which passed unnoticed, but about 10 o'clock there was a 4.5 which N and the kitties noticed as well, though I was in the car and just thought I hit a pothole.

"Blew books off shelves and scared the pants of some poor librarian"


p.s. My friends G&R were awakened from a dead sleep in Iowa City with the first one.

magpie said...

Yeah,,. by 10 am I was in the at work (in the bunker below ground floor) and since that building could probably withstand a nuclear attack, I didn't feel a thing.