Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nora Pictures!

I know, I know, finally....

I'm loving the ponytails here-

And Jason encouraged this one:


Murfmensch said...

Some details.

The next to last photo is taken at Nora's "Gym and Swim" class. Behind N's shoulder, one can glimpse a drawing my mother did when still a kid.

And Maggie is now linking to "Shirt Woot", her favorite website in the whole world.

TP said...

Perhaps Nora will start yelling out "Woot!" at appropriate (perhaps inappropriate) times... or "Dewwwwddddddd, you're totally pwnnnedddddd"

galaxiecarol said...

w00t for sure. Nora is beautiful and getting so big! I cannot believe it.

So you guys... I want to attend Jason's party, but I haven't found out yet if Fred is available. I hope so. Will let you know soon.