Friday, August 22, 2008

Today's Lunchbox

Nora's lunch today was broccoli/avocado/soy cheese wrap-ups, banana wheat germ mini muffins, carrots (check out my pin wheels), mango soy milk (frozen to act like an ice pack) and mandarin oranges.

Here it is packed:

When we got home today there was a package from the UPS man, and my bento bonanza has come in. I had ordered a bunch of smiley-happy-lunch goodness that is cuter than cute for Nora's lunches (and the little girl in me). I'm looking forward to using all this stuff in upcoming months. Here's a pic of my haul:

Some of the things pictured include rice molds, food cutters, paper cups, food separators, sauce cups and little food picks. Here's a close up of some of my favorites.
Since I'm promoting this whole lunch box thing for all of us this fall, I also got some food jars (otherwise known as short, squat thermoses) for Jason and Nora. Guess who gets which:

I am all ready for packing lunch, now I'd just better do it!