Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today's Project

There's something about assembling furniture that makes my back hurt. I'm pretty happy with the outcome though. Tomorrow's project is filling these bad boys up with the contents of the 30 boxes on the sunporch. Do you think they will all fit?

Here's the final on that pear cake from earlier this week. I will be making this again, it just kept getting better as it aged. Very spicy. Not sure it was a Nora favorite, but I really liked it, I think it would make good muffins too.


Murfmensch said...

Gary told Elaine, "Books ruin everything. However, these boxes rock my sockses."

Anonymous said...

You're going to have to buy that book, sir.


galaxiecarol said...

lookin good! you always do a magnificent job with book shelves!