Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mac and Cheese for the Cheeseless

One of Nora's favorite new words is "CHEESE". What she is actually meaning is vegan cheese or soy cheese (see previous posts about milk allergies). I finally figured out a way to make the holy grail of kid friendly food safe for Nora - so here's my Vegan Mac n Cheese. I made it with soy milk and tofutti american cheese. While it doesn't age up as well as the real stuff, it does taste pretty good first time around.

I am thrilled she is learning new words and thrilled that I can figure out a way to feed her things that she likes and that don't make her sick, but I am a little concerned about her new found love for cheese. Because eventually, she's going to realize that there is other stuff called cheese as well. And while we try to watch her all the time, there's the chance she might grab someone else's cheese from their plate and eat it and then it's not so pleasant for her or for the person she throws up on either. I just hope she's in the 85% who outgrow this nasty allergy and then we can move on to a whole new set of words that will no doubt become favorites: ice cream, yogurt, milk shakes, cheesy-puffs, gold fish crackers and all that other yummy dairy stuff. In the meantime, I've got my Vegan with a Vengeance cookbook from Isa Moskowitz, and I have to say, her stuff is super yummy - even for carnivores.


Anonymous said...

Isa hasn't let me down yet, though I've not gotten around to her books. The site has good stuff, though there have been a few contributors with less than stellar trackrecords.


It's just such a fun word.