Thursday, December 11, 2008

Welcome to the second half of the 20th century

The transition from broadcast to digital television and our invasion of their home has forced some hard decisions on the parental units. While most of you have been enjoying having more than 5 television channels for the past 30 years, there are some who find it a new and confusing world and don't even bring up this new fangled internet thing. Mostly, Jason and I have been trying to serve as the buffer with those technology pushers, otherwise known as our phone service providers (and I agree that dealing with them has not been a relaxing or fun process and I will be happy if I do not have to call them tomorrow for the 5th day in a row) but still the changes are apparent. The toaster oven and lunch boxes were bad enough, but this satellite television may be the end. We are shocked, shocked and dismayed at the size of this receiver box, but it is the price one has to pay if one wants to watch the news while cooking. I can only hope that the kitchen will not be irrevocably harmed. Please think of us in this difficult time and hope that we can all get through this period of decreased counter space.


Anonymous said...

Oh my... sounds like an interest, er... adjustment time.

Anonymous said...

I feared this would happen. Luddites do not often take kindly to change. Their minimalist nature always gets in their way as well.

Do not give up! U. T.