Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh No!

Something terrible happened today. These came in the mail. Readers you decide, which of these is the worst? Vote in the poll over on the right.

At least one of us is happy.


Murfmensch said...

These photos make the shirts seems to expand around the middle.

They are all fantastic.

You haven't even explained them!

The first one is the Somoan National Rugby Shirt. That's right. And very economically priced.

Next- England vs. New Zealand commemorates a series of Test Cricket matches. Note the little red ball and the kiwi. Price: Two dollars!

And thirdly-- England vs. South Africa in cricket. Note the lovely leaping Springbok. Three dollars!

And last is the away kit Senegal used in the African Cup of Nations. These guys beat powerhouses like Nigeria in qualifying for the world cup. Like Manu Somoa, this also came at about a fourth of the typical price!

And now I have all this mojo to share!

So please vote for "I love them" but I will send these to no one.