Saturday, January 31, 2009

What's Up Holmes?

So the New York Times has informed me about this new Sherlock Holmes movie that Guy Ritchie is doing with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. Annoyingly the author of the article is all "this isn't your Basil Rathbone Holmes, he's moody, he has addictions, he has problems", and I'm thinking that clearly this person has never seen Jeremy Brett and that's a shame since he is for me the definitive Holmes and really maybe you shouldn't be writing this article if you haven't. I'm sure I'll go see the movie anyway, even though I never go see movies, because it is Sherlock Holmes and I'm sure it will be enjoyable. Although I thought it was interesting that his addiction in this is gambling and not heroin, but maybe that was a little too close to home for Robert Downey Jr.

However, it is the movie in the sidebar of this article that has me really interested: a comedy is coming out with Sacha Baron Cohen as Holmes and Will Farell as Watson. This one has me completely hooked although I'm sure they both will go way over the top with it. Well, that's my two movies for this year. Nothing else better come out that grabs me or else Jason will have a heart attack if I actually go to three movies this year.


Anonymous said...

It's a big year for Holmes. And for you. 2 movies? In one year? Really? :)


Murfmensch said...


"All Night Long"

"Say You, Say Me"

And now the Sherlock Holmes movie.

This guy Ritchie is a mega-talent!