Monday, June 18, 2007

In the Park

This weekend we went to the Shakespeare festival in Forest Park with Todd and Natascha. Despite the heat, a lovely time was had by all. Natascha and Todd had brought a yummy yummy picnic that we contributed some wine, cheese and bread to and Nora did her best to flip over all of the containers to feed the absent Karl. Or maybe that's just how she views eating - stick food in mouth, dump bowl over, repeat, sometimes with out that first step or with the added step of opening mouth and letting food fall out. It makes for a delightful meal.

The play this year was Much Ado About Nothing, but set in the Old West. Once we got over the strange (but very necessary) disoriented feeling of having all of the actors miked over the loudspeaker and the whole gunslinger atmosphere, we settled down and enjoyed the play. Nora's favorite part was the Hey Nonney, Nonney song (she's got a thing for guitars - maybe she'll have her own garage band one day).

Three of us had to leave after the first two acts. Someone was sleepy (okay, really all of us were sleepy, but one of us HAD to go to bed), but fortunately the two of us who were still following the play had read it before or seen the Emma Thomson version, so we knew the ending, and didn't have to call T & N for a recap.

All in all, much fun, and it was sort of nice to get out and do something adult-ish and still bring the kiddo along too.

Possibly the best part was that the next day, Nora slept into the unheard of hour of 9:00! Absolutely the best Father's Day gift ever (and I got to share in it too!)