Friday, January 25, 2008

And The Winner Is....

Jason!  Congratulations to my sweetie on winning the Hendrix Alumni Play Writing Contest.  For those of you who've known him for awhile, you have no doubt heard some of the plot involving a frozen yogurt shop in a mall in the late 80's early 90's.  I'm looking forward to seeing the reading next fall at Hendrix! I guess he can now add Award Winning Playwright to his resume and get a statement ready for when the society page gives us a call - which might actually happen if the grandmothers get wind of this. 


Murfmensch said...

If either of my Grandmothers saw this play, I would curl up and die!

Next play:

The Passions of Robbie Keane

Anonymous said...


galaxiecarol said...

Congrats Jason!!! Please keep me updated on when we can see it performed.

Murfmensch said...

There will be a production in September, though the exact date hasn't been set. They will not accept changes b/w now and then, which is probably good for me.

Hendrix Players will have the scripts in front of them as they perform and their won't be a tremendous amount of blocking (movement). I've been to a few plays like this and it can be surprisingly dramatic.

Most of the readers will be students but Bob and Sarah have done some of the recent winners and Dr. Hennenberg has directed some of the recent ones as well.

I would only be embarrassed if my grandmothers saw the play because the characters have very foul language and discuss rather base things. Kevin Smith is an obvious influence upon me. Clerks meets Godot meets Pirandello meets TCBY.

I am very very honored by this and winning has actually made me feel better about the philosophy papers I am now trying to put out.