Friday, February 9, 2007

Too much HGTV

In my efforts to escape winter and do something about the dismal state of things indoors, I've been on a decorating campaign. Part of this was just dealing with the mess our bookshelves in the bedroom/office are in and then I found out about these fabulous things. While we probably could paint, I'm not inclined to right now and it's a bit difficult with a one year old and anyway, If I paint, I really should be painting the furniture in the bedroom that is about 4 different shades of green (and no they don't harmonize nicely). So when the fabulous bliks came, I put them up pronto. Amazingly it took me about a 1/2 an hour from cleaning the walls to finish. J. helped with the reaching the high places and Miss N. loves it all. See for yourself.

Yeah, I need to make the bed.

I got some for over the changing table too.


Murfmensch said...

Nora calls the birds "sheesh," which is her word for "fish."

When she is older, we can get her Space Invaders stickers! Don't let the Boston police see them!

Tree said...

Magpie, these are really cool~~ I'm thinking of getting some for the play room. You are smart not to begin painting; it would be impossible with Nora around, unless she is sleeping or otherwise occupied. Painting is one of those things that you can appreciate the results of AFTER you've finished doing it...but the doing of it, well, it's unpleasant at best.

The giraffes are awesome!

magpie said...

Thanks - btw Tree I think you can get them in Canada at Home Despot.

TP said...

Ah, the glorious G-raft!

Those are really very cool. Do they come in X-wing and Tie Fighter shapes? Battlestars or Viper Mark IIs?

Do, be careful of those Boston police. They may tear down your walls (a la Mr. Gorbachev) and force your CEOs resignation.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh- nora is, like, standing, and.. .. ambulatory. . and stuff. how exciting! I look forward to more such "action shots"