Monday, February 26, 2007

The Vegan Lunch Box

So those of you who made it through my post below, know I'm in need of vegan expertise. This blogger, is someone I've read for a long time, mainly because her lunch boxes are SO amazing. I'm in total awe.
1. They look so damn nice
2. I never, ever seem to get my act together to bring my lunch everyday so end up paying too much for food I'm not that excited about anyway
3. These lunches are so healthy and they look delicious - even my meat eating, cheese craving self would be more than thrilled to eat these lunches everyday.
4. They are packed in cute a cute bento-like box - it could only be cuter if they were in an actual bento box.

I wonder if her kid really eats all of those lunches or trades them for a package of ding dongs everyday?


Tree said...

I sometimes go over and look at the Vegan Lunch Box. Sometimes, I am inspired by what she creates; other times, I feel overwhelmed and guilty that Ellie just ate steamed cauliflower and carrots...for the millionth time. I am in love with the *idea* of being a good cook, but in practice, it just doesn't happen. It's even harder now with the monkey crawling around on the floor, pulling out all the pots and pans and generally being (cute and) underfoot. Excuses aside, if you find some good recipes, do let us know. I'm not a big fan of the thought of Ellie eating chicken fingers, french fries, or pizza bites....(I say that now...)

magpie said...

This is so totally true - When I cook, I've got to leave Nora in Jason's hands and shut the door to the kitchen. It's just too dangerous otherwise - the oven, pinching her fingers in drawers, not to mention the dog food. It's too hard to keep an eye on her and inevitably she will get into something just when a pot boils over or something starts to burn.

Maybe when they are older, it's easier? Or maybe we just figure out how to make it work.

You should totally NOT feel guilty about feeding Ellie steamed veggies. That is terrific!

Anonymous said...

oh, I love the vegan lunch box! except that I'm lazy. I want someone to pack me cute little vegan lunches!