Friday, April 20, 2007

Kitchen Redux

As I mentioned below, we moved around the kitchen last weekend - and it seems like we have lots more space. The pottery wheel/island was in front of the stove and the pantry shelves were split up. One was on the wall next to the sink and the other where the fridge is now. Next to the fridge is a little vintage cabinet. For the most part, I've loved living in the old city houses despite the sometimes cramped quarters and outdated kitchens, because, I can actually move them around and reconfigure them in different ways. My favorite kitchen was in the little shotgun house on Missouri. It had an old iron sink with built in drainboard and only built in cabinets above and below the sink, sort of like the more modern version in our house now. Also like in the kitchen now, that one had the built in butlers pantry with glass fronted doors. That pantry and the entire kitchen was half again the size of our current one and despite the bad paint job (why do so many landlords go though that sponge paint stage?) it was my all time favorite kitchen due to the abundance of light and the lack of built in cabinets. Our current kitchen was not the draw for me when we took this apartment, but increasingly, its growing on me.


TP said...

Wow... those are some major moves! I'm sure I could move our fridge is I had too... gun to head and all, but I'm not sure I could even imagine how that would happen without said coercion. Looks like you've got a lot more room, though.

magpie said...

The fridge is easy compared to the wheel - but I think you've helped move that, so I'm sure you know that just about every other thing in our house is easier to move than the wheel.

Actually, the shelves were the biggest pain, and that was just because of having to unload and re-organize them.

galaxiecarol said...

Wow Maggie, that is a lot of work. But the new set up looks good a spacious. You have way more energy than I when it comes to these things. I am jealous. I haven't even yet organized Edie's birthing pallet. And how hard can that be? Although it does involve moving some boxes and a table. Good job.