Friday, March 23, 2007

15 Months

Here's a picture of Nora and I, taken this week. I'm always after Tree to post pictures of herself on Pepe, and she occasionally puts one up there, so I guess turn about is fair play, and I should post a picture of me. Nora was 15 months old yesterday, but I had a dentist appointment so I didn't get around to posting. So here's a photo to give you an idea of what a 15 month old looks like. To give you an idea about what she can do, the exersaucer behind me is now solely a barricade. Without it against the door, she will promptly open it up and go into the two most forbidden, and therefore most exciting, rooms in our house -the kitchen and the bathroom. Where it is so much fun to drop things into the toilet, eat Karl's food, and close her fingers in the kitchen drawers.

However, we're finding that barricades only work for so long, and if she stays on this side of the door, she can do this:


TP said...

Barriers?! Hah! I sneer at your barriers! 15 whole months... that's like 127 in Karl-months, right?

Stand aside or at least bring me that dog food with a glass of toilet water if you please.

galaxiecarol said...

I love this picture of you and Nora. She still looks like you, I think, but I still a glimmer of Jason's sneakiness and delight at sneakiness. You both are so cute.

Tree said...

Happy 15 months Nora! She really does look like you, Magpie, although, as Carol said, I can definitely see hints of Jason.

So far, it looks like I was just the vessel for my two children, with evidence of my DNA confined to Angelo's fingers and toes and alien ears, and Ellie's pointed tongue.