Monday, March 26, 2007

Weekend Projects

This weekend, I thought I'd try to stockpile some more food for Nora, since that veggie soup from a couple of weeks ago is dwindling in the freezer. She's really loves the brown rice and split pea baby food, so I thought I'd try to make a homemade version that was more toddler like. Plus, it needed to be something that we wanted to eat too. So, I came up with curried split peas, brown rice and carrots. I knew it was a hit when I tried to eat a small bowl to check it out and Nora ended up eating the whole thing. I got to freeze most of it and Jason polished off the rest.

My other project this weekend was retrofitting some of Nora's bibs. Lately, she's been ripping off all the Velcro closure bibs from around her neck, making mealtime more messy than necessary. I've noticed that she can't do this with the snap closure ones, so I thought I'd try to replace the Velcro with snaps on her plastic bibs. Plus, the Velcro is really obnoxious in the washer machine - everything gets snagged on the stuff and all the Velcro items get strung together into a giant Velcro bib snake.

I'll try to post a picture of the finished project later, but this required two sets of scissors, some snaps, a rubber mallet, and time where Nora was contained. I ended up doing it at the kitchen island while Jason fed Nora. This gave them both a front seat view when I ended up pounding my finger. I recovered and modified three bibs before we needed to head out the door to my Aunt and Uncle's. Mom is road testing them today, and hopefully they are winners.


magpie said...
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TP said...

Have you strung the bibs together in the Velcro snake formation for purposes of measurement or lowering princesses from tall towers? I think that would be kind of a cool visual... the snake not the lowering of persons from tall towers. Admittedly a frustrating actuality, but a visually interesting potentiality.

I think the real solution is that the Noodle has to stop growing so fast. Right now, in fact! It happens far too fast.

Tree said...

Wow - replacing the bibs with snaps instead of velcro is a brilliant idea. Most of Ellie's bibs are now unusable, as I've just thrown them into the dryer where they always get attached to my nursing wear (yes, the venomous Velcro snake lives here as well), but Ellie hates bibs...She hates them with a passion and always rips them off. It seems somehow easier just to change her shirt after she has slopped all over herself, like the messy monkey she is!